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Splendor Duel Review

  • Reading time:4 mins read

Splendor Duel is the new two-player version of Splendor. If you’d like to read more about the original game, check out this post on Instagram. Splendor Duel is still Splendor, but with significant differences. I’ll go over the changes in this version one by one.

Gem Board

There is no supply of gems anymore. Instead, gems are laid out on a board randomly and spent gems are placed in a bag. You can take up to three of them on your turn, but they must be adjacent. As you can imagine, fewer gems will be available on the board as the game continues. At some point, one of the players will have to replenish the board with a free action. They will get the first pick from the board, but their opponent will get a privilege token.

Privilege Tokens

Each privilege token can be exchanged for a gem (except gold) from the board as a free action. There are three ways to gain a privilege token: bonuses from cards, opponent replenishing the board, or opponent taking gems of the same colour.

Changes to Cards

Jewel cards come with some interesting changes. Some now have abilities that give you free actions, gems, privilege tokens, etc., when played. And some display a crown icon that affects the game in two different ways.

Royal Cards

These are the equivalent of noble cards in Splendor. Instead of sets of gems, you need crowns to claim royal cards.

Pearl Tokens

A new gem type that is required in lower quantities for playing some jewel cards. Also, no cards offer permanent pearl bonuses.

New Victory Conditions

Now there are three different ways to end the game. The game ends if a player has 20 points, 10 crowns, or 10 points from cards of the same color.

As you can see, Splendor Duel differs from the original Splendor for two players. And these differences make it the superior game for that player count! We love Splendor, and we’ve played it at 2p many times, but not anymore! Duel will certainly replace Splendor for two-player games.

What are your thoughts? Do you like the changes in this game?

Disclaimer: Asmodee Canada sent us a review copy of this game. Also, there might be an affiliate link in the links included at the end of this article.

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