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Azul Summer Pavilion Mini: The Best Azul, Now Portable

  • Reading time:4 mins read

Azul is one of the best abstract games on the market, and over the years, various versions of it have been released. Summer Pavilion, our favorite flavor of Azul, now has a compact mini version for those who look for a smaller footprint.

This version has no gameplay changes and focuses on providing a great experience for playing Azul on the go. Besides the smaller boards and tiles, the game comes with a pouch that can fit everything. However, keeping everything in the cardboard box might be a better idea to prevent damage and keep everything compact. It’s worth noting that the box opens from the top, which isn’t great.

Azul Summer Pavilion Mini

Similar to Azul Mini, the boards and tiles are designed to keep everything in place. Sudden movements rarely move the tiles or mess up the board, which is a must for a game like this. This has been done so well that you can hold the boards at a near 90-degree angle and the tiles still stay in place. Also, scores are counted using sliders on each player’s board as opposed to cylinders on the shared board in the original game.

One thing to mention is that the small, thin, and diamond-shaped tokens aren’t always easy to handle. We didn’t notice this in Azul Mini, probably because the tiles are square-shaped in that game. This is a tradeoff for getting a mini game and won’t be a problem for many players, but it could become an issue for players with bigger fingers.

Overall, Summer Pavilion Mini is another excellent addition to the Azul lineup. Going with this version makes little sense if you only play the game at home and on a table; the original game is far better for that purpose. However, if you would like a compact version for traveling or playing the game in settings other than a stable table, this is the version to get.

Disclosure: We received a review copy of this game. Also, there may be an affiliate link in the links included at the end of this article.

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